Thursday, December 17, 2009

New Year's Resolution

I want to be humble
I want to be nice
I want to be happy
I want to love myself again
I want to care about the people around me
I want to do things that makes me smile
I want to enjoy those little things in life that I took for granted
I want to let go
I want to stop being in control of things in my life
I want to stop thinking that I'm too good for things I might end up enjoy
I want to be able to connect to people
I want to stop stressing out about my job but still take it seriously
I want to open up to people
I want to stop worrying so much about making a mistake
I want to grow up and be more positive
I want to shop more, and save more :)
I want to love myself again and again
I want to learn to cook new things
I want to draw more
I want to eat even when my friends aren't there eating with me.
I want to let go of the past
I want to love myself for what I am
I want to be happy and see the world with smiling heart
I want to take more chances.
Love. mwa.

1 comment:

Viva Salvatore said...

"I want to eat even when my friends aren't there eating with me"

lol I like that!

my version would be:

" I want to exercise even when my friends aren't exercising with me"