Friday, April 29, 2011

Fun With The Drums

I went to see The Drums for the second time last night.
I decided to give Jacob a jumper. I also made a card for him
with a little drawing and my number in it.
I was so nervous, I kept thinking may be I shouldn't do this.
I felt like I was a creep, or more like I was scared people would
think I was such a creepy stalker.
But I knew I had to do it, or Im gonna regret it forever.

So I went with a friend, he wasn't even sure how I'd do it.
He keep saying that he'd close his eyes when I give Jacob the present.
We came early, right in front of the stage. On the left side
because I know he's always on the left side on the stage.

And they finally played.
I called his name, and he said 'hey'.
I was so happy seeing them performing, and I waited for the right time.
They finished singing their last song, and I call him again "Jacob!"
And he heard me, he saw me, I showed him the present.
And he came, closer. And grabbed the gift.
I was stunned, and he shook my hand.
I was in shocked. I was so happy...

We left, and went behind the hotel, and they were there with the fans.
I started saying hi to him, and he recognized me.
"Are you the one who gave me the lovely sweater?"
I told him, I think it would look good on him.
And he said, yeah I like it, I tried it on.
And then he just kept talking.
He was talking about music, about growing up in a Christian family
and his parents won't let him listen to music apart from
christian music, and he was also home schooled.
He was such a music geek, so adorable.
He told us a story of being an opening act for Florence
and for this crazy lady band, Celtic Women.
We talked about anime, and Disney films.
About Japan, about his up and coming tour to Indonesia.
About releasing their album after September
because they don't want people to continue thinking
that they're just a summer band.
He told us how he wanted to record more albums
he doesn't want to be one of those band who toured for 3 years
for the same album
And some other random things...
He finally said he should start packing up.
He said goodbye.
Ah did I tell you, he hugged me twice?

I love them, I love their music, and I love Jacob.
I hope they're gonna be around for a long time...

By Far The Most Creative Year So Far

I draw a lot. I dream. I design.
I admire other's work and random beauties.
I have moments, sometimes in the morning,
and sometimes at night.
Sometimes even in between a cigarette puff
or some sips of coffee.
Moments to dream, to imagine, to re-imagine.
To continue searching, and getting closer to it.
Thing's are just a tad bit clearer, yet it seems easier.
I'm having a moment in my life where
I feel free to explore, to let myself go
yet still able to look at the past to draw some inspiration
I let all this rush of creative energy rushing in to my head
through my body and soul and mind.
It dictates me to create things, and to analyze,
and I love the urge to do it.
I pray today and tomorrow that I would always have this.