Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Just Me, The Night, And a Glass of Merlot

Ok seriously, if you are reading this, please read the previous blog entry first because that one is super important to me... I feel chatty, may be Im feeling lonely. May be I need to talk. But I feel fine. I cut my arm yesterday (ladder accident) so I find it hard to type. But yes may be Im feeling lonely. And it's good and bad at the same time. Just me, the night, and a glass of my cheap nice merlot. Billie Holiday is singing Moonglow for me. And somehow wine just taste sweeter. Im not planning to go out this weekend, but may be I should. You know what a lonely heart can do, right? But again my heart has died, so it seems that I could use some friends around me without having to spend too much money.

I started to think it's stupid to spend money on alcohol. Money can buy me time with friends, but alcohol makes me forget all the fun. And dear friends, answer my stupid question. What do people do when they have nothing to do? What if there are a lot of time and nothing to do? I tend to think, and I dont like thinking and feeling.

Ah, life can be maaaarvelous but what do people do to make life marvelous? Billie Holiday is being such a darl for singing Moonglow one more time. Tell me, what does a lonely person with limited money, and a lot of time to spend, do to make life maaarvelous? Ah my heart has died, I don't know how to feel things properly.


Budiuta said...

well its simple!!!
DO Something about it!!!
Think again!! what u wanna do, things what u really really want!!

write a story!
drawings(u r one of the good one)!!!
find another joB!
just believe in URself , and u can do everything!
concern ur self lucky! coz u could do much more! and Be Marvelous!!

enjoy of every moment!!! event the hard one!!
everything is FUUn!!!
then Ur life is MARVelous!!

im soo gonna hate u!!!!
if u DELETE THIS!!!!!!!!!!

Budiuta said...

u know 4 a second there!
im shitless!

u should've said" ACCIDENTLY GOT CUT" and not cut myself!
love u beib!!!

Jarome B Jackson said...

awe thanks Budi, you're such a darl! Yeap i get it, Im doing it!