Thursday, February 5, 2009

Jarome Talks About Insecurity

When I think of it, I remember I couldn't deal with my insecurity. Like, I mean, Im still kinda insecure now. Breaking up sort of makes me feel even worse about myself. Im scared to talk to people about what I really feel about thing, and sometimes I overexaggerate what I really feel.

I just couldn't deal with it. I would go out, get drunk and trashed and be a total bitch. Then I would throw a glass of drink on some random annoying person on the dance floor. I would leave with my friends at the end of the night, and I remember ranting "I need a good lawyer! I need a good lawyer!" And when I woke up in the morning, I felt really aweful, I knew I shouldn't've done that. So I would drag my hungover ass and dizzy head to a supermarket, and make cakes and cookies. They sorta make me feel less guilty.

1 comment:

Nikolas said...

insecurity, i hate it.
it is always there :(
come talk insecurity with me anytime!
I'll listen darling heart.