Sunday, April 5, 2009

Trash Love. Sweet.

Im just repeating what I said to Sashark today.

So a hotboy I had a fling with ended up being trashy and get into a relationship with this fashion-try~hard trash. Not that I care but who doesnt secretly wish that the guy you slept with would somehow be in love with you? Not necessarily a serious kinda love but I think everyone secretly hope that he would be into you more than you're into him.

Anyway, despite the fact that I'm secretly annoyed, I really find that super sweet. I mean, I find it sweet how two trash, find love in each other. Like, it's just a solid proof that love isnt only for people on TV. You dont have to be classy or have a good life to be in love, and to be lovable. It's like there is something sweet about how they see each other beyond the trashiness that other people see in them. It's just like Shrek, but instead of ugly fat ogres, they are two trashy boys. Sweet.

1 comment:

Budiuta said...

this is cute!! i like the story!!