Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Turn Cold (3)

I finished work, cought up with Kiki and Julia. Just when I was waiting for them I had lots of shits in my head. My mom, my sister's convicted boyfriend (or husband), and those people around me whom sometimes I thought are so pointless to even know them. May be I was just hungover and tired.

But seriously what is it that you get from people who annoy you, irritate you, offend you? Arent we friends because we're supposed to make each other happy? I'm getting tired of investing so much time and effort to people who never even make me feel happy. Why do that? So much more time was even invested in my doomed relationship, and what do I get from it?

I mean, Im through with people's shit. I have my own things to handle. So really, I cant deal with people who want me to cop their shit too. I thought, I can easily replace them with some new people. It's me, I've done that before and I can do that again, anytime I want. I don't even need them. Why stress out about them when I can just chill and do what's best for me.

Another question came into my head. An old question I had every now and then, "Why didnt 'you and I' work out?" May be things are better when you're alone and depending only on doing what's best for you.


Sasha said...

Oh Dra, how much did I miss!

Mm, I guess for me people we should stick with are those who can equally make you happy but can make you equally miserable for the sake of educating you. Sure, sometimes you don't wanna deal with their shit, but friendships about give and take, so of course if they're only there to make you miserable then they're not your friends at all. Friends are those people who are worth your time, so if you think they're not doing you any favours, then cut the ties soon.

I just hope I'm not one of those people, hehe. Shit, that was long.

Nikolas said...

Oooh geee! Talk about some crazy goings on!
You had a weekend and a half.
But I totally agree with you, if you have people in your life who don't make you feel happy or take and take and never give - then you need to get rid of them because it doesn't make you feel good.
Friends are for good times. Like me, I'm a good time, like a bottle of wine!
Sorry I haven't seen you for ages though :( uni has been terrible.

Budiuta said...
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Budiuta said...

This IS so BULL!!
what D hell happen to you?

if ur pissed doesnt mean that u got to be the bad guy! and just cut off ur friends like that, that is selfish and wrong. keep it all together, communication and get connected is important, made some!
and be Positive once in a while!!

NEW Friends never treat us the same as the OLD one! u need to be more open Minded!!

if ur pissed talk to ur friends, share with them so u could find another perspective, dont hold it to yourself!!

there r so many people who cares about You! a whole Bunch! u just need to FIGure it out oce2!
like shasha, kiki, denny, me and of course there r still more!!

Jarome B Jackson said...

Hey Ta, I dont get it, why is it bad to get new friends? I mean why am I the bad guy for doing it? I dont get it...?

Budiuta said...

nooo! i dont mean it like that!
what i mean is..
is okay to have new friends, but doesn't mean that u can cut off the old one, keep it all together loh!

and if the old one pissed u off, talk to them and tell that ur pissed, share it and hopefully they understand,
if not!!! cut it!!!!