So I have a crush on this boy.
Lets just call him Josh
I've known him from work
and I've always thought he's cute
the only thing is he has a boyfriend
I dont mess with people's boyfriends
things become even more complicated
now that I supervise his area
so basically it is just so impossible
to have a chance to be with him
I dont think anything can ever happen
but funny thing is, this past month we've
become closer, and I have a feeling
that he likes out coffee time too
and whenever we meet up
we chat and we joke around
we make fun of each other
and we laugh
he makes me laugh
but I guess I can't do anything
On the other hand,
my ex invited me to his birthday bbq
I'd come, and I feel like
Im slowly forgiving and forgetting
all the stuff he did
And at one point I really can
feel that I still do care about him.
And last night, I went out
I drank and I know
I was thinking of you, Josh
I dont want anybody else
I dont want the past
I want the future
Meanwhile it became obvious to me
that the love I had for my ex has changed
love changes its form
it evolves, and my love for you
has evolved, probably not yet completely,
but it is now becoming a respect and care.
I love you, respect and care about you.
Love always, mwa.